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1.  Identify the Greatest Obstacle to Increased Production


Can your business produce more with existing personnel and equipment and create greater earnings in a matter of months?    Evaluate the current production capability of the business.            

The topics we will discuss include:


  • What does the business want production to achieve?           

    • Does the business need to produce more?

    • Does the business need to increase earnings? 

    • Are there any issues with the product?

    • What have you tried?


  • What is limiting production?

    • Material availability

    • Costs

    • Downtime

    • Personnel


  • Comparing the capability of the business’s current performance.

    • What is your NAICS code?

    • What is the total business revenue?

    • What is the business's total number of employees?

    • How does your business compare in your industry?


  • Are there other problem areas in the business that need changing to increase output?

    • Leadership

    • Sales

    • Accounting or Finance

    • Engineering


The business can:

  • Increase production speed by identifying and solving one or two barriers to greater productivity

  • Increase earnings by increasing production speed from the
    Rapid Improvement Event

  • Physically change the plant layout, point-of-use inventory, and visual factory to sustain the increase in production speed

  • Managing Daily Improvement supports the ongoing systematic improvement in manufacturing at the cell and plant level involving everyone in the business.


Our goal will be to identify the barriers to greater production and the recommended path forward to increased production which will include:

  • Space constraints, building utilization

  • Equipment utilization, recommended automation, manual, semi-automatic and automatic

  • Shop floor staffing


Fee for a one-hour phone call, $400/hour

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